All content by Sample Student
This is my sample caption.
Want to tell the full story? To get started click on New under the Stories tab on the left navigation bar in the WordPress dashboard.
Enter the headline for the article. In the box to the right of...
This story is currently using With Sidebar Page Template. Every story has three options for its story page: Full-Width, With Sidebar, or Long Form. Simply, select which you would like on the left hand...
This story is currently using Full-Width Page Template. Every story has three options for its story page: Full-Width, With Sidebar, or Long Form. Simply, select which you would like on the left hand side...
Each story has custom fields available for you to fill in as needed. Not all of these features will show up on the homepage, but they will show up on a story’s page. While the descriptions for each...
Adding a story is a simple process with SNO FLEX. To get started, click on New under the Stories tab on the left navigation bar in the WordPress dashboard.
Enter the headline for the article. In the...
The look and feel of this site is created by a combination of style and layout choices. To help get you started, your site came with a preselected style, but you can change this preset style to create...
This is sample body text. To delete this and other sample content, click on Manage under the Stories tab in your WordPress dashboard and just trash the stories that you no longer want to see. It is probably...
The SNO Framework is built around the idea of giving site owners complete flexibility with easy to customize options for every aspect of their sites.
The SNO Design Options page, available under the...
Having trouble with something on the site? Help is only a click away. Click here to access all of our support materials and submit a support ticket if you can't find the answers you are looking for.
If you place stories in more than one category, say both Showcase and Sports, the story will display in both of these sections on the homepage. The recommend way of working with this is to place a story...
July 7, 2022
This is another video story because it was published before the other video stories, it is displayed less prominently on the page.
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