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The Panther Press

The Student News Site of San Domenico

The Panther Press

The Panther Press

Hannah Silber

Hannah Silber, Editor-in-Chief

Hannah is a Senior at San Domenico and the co-editor-in-chief for The Panther Press. She enjoys spending time with friends, playing volleyball and reading.

All content by Hannah Silber
The Crumbl Cookie box

Crumbl Cookies: Compliments and complaints

Charles: Intro This spring, The Panther Press chose to review Crumbl Cookies, a popular bakery that offers a dynamic menu of six different flavors each week. The Panther Press members tried six...

Snapshot of act 1 scene 4

“The Readiness is all” Get Ready to Go See Bernhardt Hamlet

Hannah Silber, Editor-in-Chief March 22, 2024

San Domenico's incredible theater department is putting on another play! “Bernhard/Hamlet” is an exciting thriller which takes place during the production of "Hamlet,” in which Sarah Bernhardt produced...

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

The Panther Press is back with our annual review of the Starbucks holiday drinks. This year there were new drinks and new foods, and a whole new Panther Press group! Our Panther Press team tried five different...

An uneven playing field— Shedding light on the difficulties of being neurodivergent

An uneven playing field— Shedding light on the difficulties of being neurodivergent

Sarah Robinson-Williams and Hannah Silber November 17, 2023

Imagine this: You sit down to take a Precalculus test, convinced you’re going to ace it. You’ve been studying since the unit was first introduced and you know the content well. Your teacher hands you...

Areas such as gas stations across Marin are seeing a rise in theft

[Photo] Increased security within Marin stores highlight issues in the community

Sarah Robinson-Williams, Contributor October 23, 2023

Areas such as gas stations across Marin are seeing a rise in theft

New grade system introduced causes controversy among the SD community

New grade system introduced causes controversy among the SD community

Hannah Silber October 20, 2023

Veracross, a new system recently introduced to San Domenico, has sparked controversy among the San Domenico community. Veracross allows students to view their grades, daily schedule, upcoming events, and...

SpeakSafe Volunteer Opportunity

SpeakSafe Volunteer Opportunity

Hannah Silber June 13, 2023

SpeakSafe is an organization dedicated to saving adolescents from exploitation. The team made up of program organizers, college students and highschool students work together to attend conferences, create...

SD Wrapped

SD Wrapped

Memorable Events The school’s endless organized events gave us the opportunity to put down the computers and books for a bit, and have some fun! Prom, winter formal, and the beginning of year...

39 steps into the spotlight!

39 steps into the spotlight!

Hannah Silber, Copy Editor May 12, 2023

Richard Hannay, an innocent man wrongly accused of murder, zips across the stage frantically trying to escape the police. He runs as fast as he can and eventually outruns the police. This action-packed,...

Different isn’t damaged

Different isn’t damaged

Hannah Silber, copy editor March 27, 2023

During one of the recent presentations on how to avoid microaggressions at San Domenico High School, I started to question whether San Domenico fully understands how to be inclusive of their neurodivergent...

The Snack Shack sign. Photo Taken by Hannah Silber.

Students love the San Domenico Snack Shack

Hannah Silber, Copy Editor March 1, 2023

It’s mid morning and students are lined up at the Snack Shack door. Everyone is pushing and shoving; people are coming in from different sides ready to fight to the death for a Yerba Mate; the student...

The Starbucks at Northgate One has a variety of seasonal drinks available. Photo by Bella Riella.

These Starbucks holiday drinks sleigh!

We’re making a list, we’re checking it twice, we’re figuring out which drinks are naughty or nice. After Thanksgiving and all things pumpkin spice, the Starbucks holiday drinks are as popular as...

Students study in the library at San Domenico High School.

Shortened study hall times have major effects on student grades and mental health

Hannah Silber, Reporter December 14, 2022

In the 2022-2023 school year, San Domenico made massive changes to the school’s weekly schedule. These changes sparked controversy amongst the SD community. One of the main impacts to the schedule is...

Photo taken by Hannah Silber at the most recent chamber concert.

Senior Illarion Gershkovich Musical Talents Shine Bright In the Virtuoso Program

Hannah Silber, Reporter November 29, 2022

Illarion, a senior at San Domenico, has been playing the cello for four years with the virtuoso program. He has written a few different songs which the VP program has performed at several different concerts....

Photo credits to Tristan Bowen

SD varsity volleyball team has good chances of qualifying for NCS after 21 years

Hannah Silber, Reporter October 14, 2022

San Domenico's varsity volleyball team is finishing up their season and have made vast improvements this year. Stats show that San Domenico has only won between 1-2  games in past seasons. This year,...

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